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Emily’s news: Happy 2022!

Somehow it is not only 2022, but it is also FEBRUARY in 2022. What happened to January?!

I’m still busy putting finishing touches to my third novel, going back and forth with my editors. In between edits I am thinking about book four, but in a particularly focussed way - I’m waiting for the idea to percolate in my mind a little and getting on with some other work/non-work projects.

Some news on book three - it will be coming out in February 2023. We had hoped to bring it to you this summer, but that was not to be. I promise, it will be worth the wait!

What have you been up to so far this year? What are you reading? Let me know in the comments.

And for more regular updates please do head over to my Instagram page, or Facebook. Come say hi! Over on those places I’ve been talking about all the important stuff this month - my new office! New bookshelves! Banoffee pie! A night away with a log burner!

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