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Emily’s news: Reste près de lui comes out in France, and book three is finished!

Some news for my French readers: Rest près de lui, the translation of my second novel Keep Him Close, is now OUT!

Check out this beautiful edition… thank you to my publishers Calmann Levy, my translator Éric Moreau and the cover designer Stan Zygart.

Reste près de lui by Emily Koch is now out in France

You can order a copy of it here.

Meanwhile, back home, I’ve been busy doing my final proofread of book three. So now it is off to be turned into a real book so that advance copies can be sent out to bloggers, reviewers and other authors later this summer. Watch this space!

I have also been writing my acknowledgements, which is a job I love doing. It takes many, many people to put a book together and it feels wonderful to get the chance to thank them all.

Right now I’m working on a new newsletter which I plan to launch in the next couple of months. I’ll have more details about this soon!