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Early copies of What July Knew out in the world and early reviews coming in

Over the last month, my publishing team have been sending out early copies (what we call ‘proofs’) of What July Knew to other authors, reviewers and book bloggers.

The idea is to try and get people talking about the book, and maybe - if I’m lucky - get some authors who like the book enough to let me put their quotes on the cover when it comes out next year.

I’m so pleased with the brilliant work my marketing team have done on these early proofs - they’ve designed the cover to look like a school exercise book, and then they’ve been handwriting the recipient’s name onto it so it is beautifully personalised. The story is about a girl doing a school project, so it makes sense, I promise! The final book cover will not look like this, it is just a design for these limited edition copies. They have sent the books out with a stash of 90s goodies - sweets such as Flumps and Refreshers, Pogs (remember them?!) and a postcard with a link to a special 90s playlist I have put together.

Digital copies for review are also available on the website NetGalley, and the early reviews there have been wonderful. Check some of them out below!

You can pre-order your copy of What July Knew here.