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Meet the author day six: How I deal with writer's block

The only way out is through! That’s how I tackle writer’s block - the theme of today’s #meettheauthor. This is one of my Keep Him Close notebooks:[wpvideo krtYbWvA ]It’s how I go about most things in life so that’s no surprise... I tend to try and power through (it isn’t always he healthiest way to go about it!).If I’ve got a problem with my story, I clear the decks, put some really good music on and walk round and round my living room (office) chewing on my pen, dancing and writing notes. Most of the notes are questions... why, how, what?Soon the solution presents itself.I also like to go for long walks outdoors or talk through with a writer friend.If it’s more a case of not knowing how to start a chapter, I get a pen and paper and tell myself it’s ok to write a crap first draft ... I free myself to write something awful and make myself put the words on the page.It’s always worked so far. Touch wood!